Club Awards

NLLC Club Awards

Club Awards are the perfect time to recognise the wonderful work that gets done within our club.
It is now time to nominate that person that you feel has gone above and beyond to support the Newport Ladies Lacrosse Club.
To be eligible to vote for a Club Award you need to be a member, this includes players, coaches, committee members, life members and 100CLUB members.

Award Categories

Sue Sofarnos Best Club Person – Jeannie Matthews Perpetual Trophy

Auntie Jeanie loved Newport & the people in it. She worked tirelessly to see our club become successful. She commenced with the Melbourne Ladies Lacrosse Club (now Newport) in the early 1960’s & filled the roles of State Umpire, Manageress & Club Delegate. Jeanie is a Newport Life member who passed away in 1976 aged 54. 
This award is given to a club person who works tirelessly for our club & gives his or her time selflessly for the betterment of the club & it’s members.
This award also recognises an outstanding achievement or ongoing service.

Di Stearn and Fiona Moore Outstanding Achievement Award

Di Stearn & Fiona Moore were two English players from the 1989 World Cup who stayed in Australia for another year. They both player one season in Victoria, representing Newport and Victoria before returning home prior to the 1990 finals. Di & Fiona donated this award as a token of thanks for all the Club did for them throughout their stay in Australia. 
This Award is given to a player or club person for an outstanding contribution or individual effort in any area of lacrosse.  
This could be for a game, over a year, or over many years.

Simpson Family Junior Outstanding Achievement Award

The Simpson Family are very well known identities around our Club.  
With Jan our past President & past VWLA Treasurer, Kate for her Junior, Senior & Australian playing achievements, Jason for his A Grade, Senior State & Australian Team coaching & last but not least Graeme for his wit, humour, speeches & help when needed. 
This award is given to a Junior Under 21 for outstanding achievement.  
This is not necessarily for playing, it could be for services to our club.

Di Smith Acknowledgement Award

This has been created in honour of Di Smith, a club person who, over many years has continually demonstrated the values of this club. She is and always will be a person who chips in and does what needs to be done.
This award is given in acknowledgement of someone who shares Di’s attributes and willingness to do!, the 1%ers who help out with whatever needs to be done – no matter how big or small the task is.

Life Membership

Refer to Life Membership criteria

**Just to clarify, the main difference between the Jeannie Matthews and Di Stearn & Fiona Moore award is longevity – JM is for outstanding achievement or ongoing service, whereas the DSFM is for a game, over a year, or over many years.