Pre Season Training – Why is it important?

  • Sunset Lacrosse

At Newport Ladies Lacrosse Club we take the health and well-being of our players very seriously.

Lacrosse is a fun and high energy game that is great for overall fitness. In order to prepare for the Winter season we would love all of our players to participate in pre season to prepare their bodies and reduce the risk of injury during the season.

Research shows that women are actually more prone than men to suffer many of the most common sports-related injuries. Fortunately, women can take steps to reduce the chances they’ll suffer these injuries. Our training program takes into account the common injuries suffered by not only women in general but by lacrosse playing women.

All players, past and present along with new players, family and friends are welcome to come down and participate in pre season training. It is a great opportunity for new members to have a go and also for past playing members to ease back into our great game.

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